So way back in August, I posted about reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, and starting with my clothes (pictured above). And then that same week Jesse went through his clothes, and I went through the kids clothes a week or two later. That was great! But … [Read more...]
How I Menu Plan
I have been doing some form of menu planning ever since we got married, a little over seven years ago. But my menu planning has evolved quite a bit since those days (think a list of three or so "helper" dinners, split between beef and chicken, with a random recipe thrown in). … [Read more...]
My First Attempt At Kon Mari: My Clothing
Last week, I read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. This is one of the first times I've actually read what I would consider a "trendy" book while it's still trendy, by the way. I usually don't get to them until a few years later... I decided to give some of … [Read more...]
How I Decluttered My Pinterest (And You Can Too!)
Earlier this week, my Pinterest account had over 3600 pins and almost 100 boards. Call me crazy, but that seems a little excessive. What's the point of holding onto so much stuff, anyways? If this is supposed to be a place to save ideas and find things you want to use later, … [Read more...]
How To Clean Greasy Residue Off Of Pans
Let me preface this by saying that there are two groups of people who will read this post. First, the people who think this is a great trick and want to try it immediately. Second, those who wonder why I would even care about cleaning the bottoms of my pans in the first place. … [Read more...]