This is a quick and easy side dish that pairs well with many flavors. With a simple list of ingredients, it comes together quickly to fill out the meal! Ingredients: 2/3 cup dry brown rice 3 cups chicken broth 2-3 cups water 3 garlic cloves, minced 2 Tbsp. … [Read more...]
Recipe Revamp: Gluten Free Peanut Butter Oatmeal Muffins
As many of you know, Hannah has a food sensitivity to gluten. Sadly for her, that meant for awhile that she didn't get to enjoy baked goods. As I've grown more comfortable experimenting in the kitchen, I've been able to find recipes or adapt them so that they are gluten free. … [Read more...]
Recipe: Jonah’s Soup
A couple weeks ago, we had Matthew's Soup for dinner. Jonah wanted a turn to pick as well, so this week we had Jonah's Soup. He looks happy eating it, but this one actually didn't go over as well with the kids, although they all enjoyed the cheese on top. Part of that may have … [Read more...]
Recipe: Matthew’s Soup
Earlier this week, we had Matthew's soup for dinner. He came up with a list of ingredients, and I helped with the amounts. It was similar to a few different soups we've had in the past, but the combination was all his idea, and he was very proud of the result. Also, this kid … [Read more...]
Recipe: Cinnamon Banana Bread Mini Muffins
I had a few bananas getting ripe on the counter, but I didn't want to just make plain old banana bread again. It's good, but I wanted something different. So...Cinnamon Banana Bread Mini Muffins! Please excuse their massive muffin tops, as I filled the pan a wee bit too … [Read more...]