We’ve been talking the last few weeks about routines. Morning routines, evening routines, and menu planning routines. Hopefully you’ve seen the benefits of adding some routines to your life, but if not, keep reading. I firmly believe routines are for everyone.

Maybe you’re not a Type A person. You don’t like lists. You don’t like schedules. You don’t like being roped into specifics because they make you squirm. Routines are perfect for you! No, really.
Routines mean that you don’t have to be constantly making decisions or lists or worrying about getting things done. They take the decision making and the tasks out of your brain, because those things are a regular part of your life. And with the routines comes the opportunity for plenty of spontaneity, because the important things are already taken care of.

Maybe you’re on your own, or it’s just you and one other person. Are routines really necessary if you’re not dealing with a load of people in your house? Absolutely!
Routines give you a bit of structure while also providing plenty of freedom for whatever it is you want to include in your day. Maybe you have a specific work schedule or certain tasks, but otherwise, your time is your own. It can be easy to lose a lot of that time to mindless scrolling or wasting time. And while some brain melting entertainment is fine, you probably also have things you’d like to accomplish or purposefully include in your day, but you can’t find the time.
Routines help you make the time for what’s important to you. You can intentionally include the things that bring you joy, like a cup of coffee ritual or reading a chapter of a book every day. Whether you’re creating a routine for yourself or amidst a house of ten people, you can make sure to carve out time for what truly matters to you. Routines help you do that.

Maybe you don’t want a routine to be the boss of you. Guess what? It’s not!
The point of a routine is to help you include in your day the things that you want. So it’s not bossing you around – you literally created it, and you can change it if it isn’t working for you. We normally do homeschool in the mornings. That’s our routine. But back in the before times, we would sometimes switch things up and coffeeschool instead. We adapted our routine to work for us.
If a routine isn’t working for you over and over, it might be time to reassess. One of the great things about routines is that they can change. You’re a human and humans change and grow, so you can look at what isn’t helping you, and change it. That’s not the routine being the boss – that’s you being an awesome person and seeing where you need something new.

Routines give you a chance to take care of the things that need to get done, whether you enjoy them or not.
Routines let you include the things in your life that you want, both intentionally every day as part of the routine, and also with the time that they save you on other things.
Routines are for everyone. And I believe that good routine help you with the things you need to do as well as the things you want to do. Do you have routines you follow every day? If not, now is the perfect time to start!
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